n today’s digital age, we do pretty much everything online from shopping to watching movies to
navigating to places or simply get answers to our questions. With the internet making our lives
easier, consumers expect the same from the government and public sector as well.
Everything is amplified in terms of solutions, problems, business, e-commerce in this digital era.
It’s slowly falling into our systems and daily lives which means that digitalization and
modernization are a must.
advisory and Advisory Services to technology firms, product companies, international entities who wish to enter the Indian market & the Public sector . The storm of digital transformation has awakened the country, but there are still a few challenges yet to tackle:
1. Digital divide
Digital Divide is the uneven distribution of access to information and communication
technology. Currently, over 55,000 villages are deprived of mobile connectivity. One of
the reasons behind this is providing mobile connectivity in such locations are not
commercially viable for service providers. This has led to the segment to remain
disconnected and fail to benefit the opportunities available online.
Although there have been many initiatives that have seen a shift in paradigm. Rural
mobile internet users have seen considerable growth yet the urban-rural divide is
significant. The growing population, funds, affordability, knowledge, and lack of
implementation of government policies have been some of the reasons that have
resulted in the deepening of the divide.
Thereafter for the Digital India campaign to have a large scale impact on citizens
digitalization has to seep in the grassroots and reach every person.
2. Poor connectivity
5G is supposed to arrive in India soon but will 5G solve our problems especially constant
buffering? The average 4G LTE data speed is about 6.1Mbps which is almost one-third
of the global average which is 17Mbps. This makes India among the slowest countries
on this metric.
The problem is not only restricted to low-speed internet but also bad cellular connectivity
i.e the quality is not up to the mark. To compensate the prices are about the lowest in the
world, and overall it is reasonable. The rising requirement for data (may it be for a
pleasant video viewing experience or important video conferences) needs far greater
bandwidth than for voice calls.
3. IoT in Healthcare and Education
One of the sector government has to adopt these IoT solutions is Healthcare and
Education. IoT tools and devices will make it easier to access both patient and health
provider. Critical diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiac diseases, etc need special
attention and solutions that track and report the breakout of diseases that can reduce the
response time from weeks to just a few minutes.
IoT in Education can help equalize education irrespective of one’s social and financial
standing. This possible by scaling up technology in terms of education. This
technological advancement can break barriers, provide key skills and training, and make
people feel empowered.
4. Privacy
Internet privacy is the right of internet users' violation of their data, and that takes place
online. Given the dynamic nature of the digital world, privacy concerns and issues are
rapidly changing. The internet allows data to be produced, collected, combined, shared,
stored, and analyzed is constantly changing and re-defining personal data and what type
of protection personal data deserves and can be given. From data shared on social
media sites to cookies collecting user browser history to individuals transacting online, to
mobile phones registering location data – information about an individual is generated
through each use of the internet.
Many times individuals are aware that their information is collected but in some cases they're
not. In India, the adoption of devices under the IoT. At this stage, it's become important for users
to remember that the possibility of them being attacked or compromised is higher. Going
forward, that this is going to be a bigger problem if we do not use security technology to address
it at the planning stage itself. This is why we tend to urge producing corporations to contemplate
security at the look stage once they develop any good technology. This will facilitate shield all
folks users, and build America a lot of ready for such eventualities as our good devices being
controlled by cybercriminals.
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