About Sedibuz

Government & Public Sector

Government & Public Sector

SediBuz helps the government and the Public Sector by providing offering an end-to-end service around adoption of technology.

SediBuz provides the following services to the government

  • Liaison with technology companies and connect the government with them
  • Deliver a 360-degree perspective of right technology solution
  • Interface between the technology companies and the public sector
  • Helping the government in preparing scope of work and detailed RFP document
  • Define processes to evaluate technologies


Selecting the right technology company as your vendor is a critical milestone for any government department or a sector. Hence, it is imperative for you to have well defined process and parameters to select the right technology partner/vendor. SediBuz helps in this process by undertaking action items such as

  • Vendor due diligence
  • Shortlisting of vendors based on capability
  • Create a comprehensive checklist of vendor evaluation parameters
  • Coordinate presentations and demonstrations of shortlisted vendors
  • Coordinate for vendor empanelment and on-boarding

360 Degree

When you are in the process of implementing technology, it is always important to get a complete view of the technology partner before selecting and implementing the solution. Here are some parameters that SediBuz takes into consideration in the 360 Degree View

  • Scalability of the system
  • Strong technology architecture
  • Flexibility to adapt to any dynamic changes in the operations
  • Capability to integrate with any other systems
  • Secure Solutions

Process Driven Technology

SediBuz has a systematic process to evaluate any technology. This involves addressing some key questions to help the government understand the actual need of going for technology adoption

  • Why do you need a system in place?
  • Identify top three criteria from key stakeholders
  • Involve the user group and understand their operational challenges
  • What is the objective of having this system (for eg: better reporting, better control, consolidated view, etc.)